Embody the archetypal energy of Durga, the Goddess of Protection.
"Durga, (her name means “hard to know, or hard to conquer”) is the cosmic warrior, the force within consciousness that battles ignorance and darkness."
- Sally Kempton.
In this 60-minute vinyasa class, you’ll move through leg balancing and core strengthening postures. Durga is the warrior archetype of the Hindu pantheon. She acts without fear. This strong vinyasa practice asks us to step into our strength with courage. Expect a strong leg and core-centric class.
In this 10-minute mantra and meditation class, you’ll chant to Durga to connect to her courage, strength, and discipline.
In this 50-minute lecture, you’ll learn about Durga's mythology and origin story. Stories, themes, mantra, and questions for personal reflection, plus a handout accompanies this lecture.
In this 5-minute meditation, you’ll channel the fierceness of the Durga. A brief meditation with the Abhaya Hridaya Mudra asks you to focus on your courageous heart and inner strength.
In this 60-minute yoga class to honour Kali, the Dark Goddess, you’ll move through mantra, heating pranayamas with Khapalbhati breath, and leg balancing poses to build towards the peak pose with Baddha Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana (revolved hand to big toes pose).