On-Demand Education

A virtual collection of workshops includes lectures, training, advanced yoga classes, teaching resources, and recorded discussions!

Choose from a variety of topics including Yoga Anatomy and Alignment, Philosophy, the Subtle Body, Hands-On Adjustments,  Yoga Sequencing, Peak Pose Exploration, 

Course Collections


Purchase the course of your choice by browsing our topics below.  

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Yoga Sutra Series Lectures</strong></p></div>

Yoga Sutra Series Lectures

Purchase the 3 Yoga Sutra Series Lectures for $50 USD

You receive three lectures with Clara and special guests to learn about the Sutras of Patanjali. This collection covers the Yamas & Niyamas, Light on the Yoga Sutras by B.K.S. Iyengar, The History of the Sutras, how Samkhya and Yoga Philosophy differ, and how to integrate the wealth the Sutras have to offer into your own life. 

Content in this bundle: 

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Subtle Body Series Workshops</strong></p></div>

Subtle Body Series Workshops

Purchase the 3 Subtle Body Series Workshops for $50 USD

You receive three 90-minute experiential workshops with Clara that include lectures and practices. The workshops include meditation, mantra, pranayama, and mudra practices. You will also learn about the history, benefits, and unique styles. A brief outline of yoga anatomy and varied styles of philosophy are included.  

Content in this bundle: 

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Sun Salutations Workshops</strong></p></div>

Sun Salutations Workshops

Purchase the 3 Sun Salutations Workshops for $50 USD

You receive three 90-minute experiential lectures with Clara to explore the history of Sun Salutations, why and when we do them, the varied styles of Surya Namaskar, and a breakdown of foundational yoga postures.

Content in this bundle:

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>History of Yoga Philosophy Lectures&nbsp;</strong></p></div>

History of Yoga Philosophy Lectures 

Purchase the 2 History of Yoga Lectures for $40 USD

You receive 2 lectures PLUS a link to the resources featured which include:

  1. 🍎 History and Philosophy Timeline

  2. 📓 Important Texts to read

  3. 🌴 Major Players

  4. 📚 Yoga Today 

Content in this bundle: 

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Art of Sequencing - Theming&nbsp;</strong></p></div>

Art of Sequencing - Theming 

Purchase the 4 videos for $60 USD

You receive 2 lectures and 2 yoga classes to embody the themes illustrated in the on-demand videos.

We’ll go deeper into theming with yoga philosophy, how to sequence a theme-based class, and how to develop your voice and vision.

Content in this bundle: 

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Business of Yoga Lectures</strong></p></div>

Business of Yoga Lectures

Purchase the 3 Business of Yoga Lectures for $50 USD

You receive three 90-minute lectures with Clara to explore the business of yoga with tips on how to host a yoga retreat, open a yoga school, work with Yoga Alliance, PLUS learn about marketing, distribution, working with a team, and the nitty-gritty details of running a small business. 

Content in this bundle: 

What You Will Learn
Within On-Demand Library:

✺ Foundational poses and alignment

✺ Advanced peak poses

✺ Creative vinyasa yoga sequencing

✺ Yoga Anatomy and Philosophy 

✺ How to build/scale your business

✺ Development of voice, vision, and vocation

✺ Ethics and boundary setting

✺ Pranayama, Mantra, Meditation 

✺ Workshop, Retreat, and YTT planning

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>I ask you  –&nbsp;</strong><br>What have you created?&nbsp;<br>What is currently exciting you?&nbsp;<br>What skills are you surprised you’ve acquired?</p></div>,

Do you know what excites me?

Creating experiences, spaces and events that bring us together.

This has been the driving force in all the choices I’ve made the past two decades. 

What a privilege and gift it has been.

I ask you – 
What have you created? 
What is currently exciting you? 
What skills are you surprised you’ve acquired?

💛 Clara Roberts-Oss.

Join the Seekers 

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Monthly Workshops

Quarterly Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensives

On-Demand Training 

2x Mentorship Calls with Clara

See the Perks of Being a Seeker!

Meet Clara-

Having developed a regular practice in my early twenties, I got certified at Sonic Yoga NY in 2003 and began teaching full-time shortly after.

In 2006, I left NYC and landed in Vancouver, BC, at the beginning of its yoga scene. I brought a different flavor of vinyasa to the Vancouver yoga scene and am known as the teacher’s teacher in my home community. I completed my 300-hour YTT with the Samudra School led by Shiva Rea in 2012.

I’ve led retreats, workshops, and yoga teacher training worldwide since 2010.

I’ve had the honor to teach at the Chamonix Yoga Festival, Wanderlust Whistler, Northwest Yoga Conference, Whistler Yoga Conference and the Pacific Yoga Festival. I was on faculty at Sonic Yoga for their 200-hour vinyasa yoga teacher training in 2006 and a part of the 300-hour faculty at Semperviva Yoga since 2008.

In 2013, I created my own yoga school, the Lila School of Vinyasa Yoga, and have been leading my own 200 and 300-hour programs internationally.

Before the launch of Practice with Clara, I taught for MyYogaOnline (now Gaia) since its inception in 2008. I’m still one of the most sought-after teachers on the site. 

Kind Words from Our Community

Taking Clara's Vinyasa training was the most transformative experience in my practice and teaching since completing a 200-hour. She taught us with precision and creativity to design sequences that make sense and feel beautiful. We explored the art of teaching advanced postures with skill and the safety of students in mind.

We learned to teach through kramas, stages of the process, to meet students where they are at. I highly recommend this program to anyone with an interest in vinyasa, or who is intending to teach this style to others.

<div class="editor-content"><blockquote><p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="https://www.kushalayoga.com/"><span style="color: #000000">Karen Andersen</span></a></p></blockquote></div>, <div class="editor-content"><blockquote><p> RYT 500, E-RYT 200, YACEP</p></blockquote></div>

RYT 500, E-RYT 200, YACEP

I had reached a ceiling as a teacher when I signed up for Clara’s Yoga Sequencing Training. I felt repetitive in my teaching, unsure of how to get inspired again and after 4 years still constantly questioning and doubting if I was good enough. The training was everything I was looking for and more.

Clara’s sequencing is brilliant, intelligent and I think all teachers need to take this training so that they learn how to sequence in a way that truly supports the student. Everything has a purpose and is thought through carefully. It has changed the way that I sequence and truly made me a more confident teacher in my offerings.

My biggest takeaway was she gave me permission to be myself, teach from my heart, and believe that what I offer is enough.

<div class="editor-content"><blockquote><p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="http://melanieemlyn.com/"><span style="color: #000000">Melanie Emlyn<br></span></a></p></blockquote></div>, <div class="editor-content"><blockquote><p>500hr ARYT Yoga Teacher + Manual Osteopath</p></blockquote></div>

500hr ARYT Yoga Teacher + Manual Osteopath

Clara's training helped me break out of my comfort zone by giving me the skills to teach aspects of the practice that I wasn't previously confident in, such as leading mantra for a group. I left each module of training feeling more confident and inspired as a teacher, and that shows up in my public classes and online offerings.

Following Clara's training, I have been able to step into the role of offering continuing education for other yoga teachers in my community.

<div class="editor-content"><blockquote><p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="https://alexandriawaycottyoga.com/"><span style="color: #000000">Alexandria Waycott</span></a></p></blockquote></div>, <div class="editor-content"><blockquote><p> RYT 500 Full-time Yoga Teacher</p></blockquote></div>

RYT 500 Full-time Yoga Teacher

Foster your personal and professional growth.

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong><span style="font-size: 1.25rem; color: #6D6161">Learn at your own pace.</span></strong></p></div>

Learn at your own pace.

You choose the time, place, and order of the programs based on your schedule. 

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong><span style="font-size: 1.25rem; color: #6D6161">Listen to your inner teacher.&nbsp;</span></strong></p></div>

Listen to your inner teacher. 

Yoga classes, lectures, and discussions that guide you into deeper alignment with your intuition. 

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong><span style="font-size: 1.25rem; color: #6D6161">Lead from the heart.</span></strong></p></div>

Lead from the heart.

For students and teachers to engage with tools to become kinder, more compassionate leaders within the community.

Start Your Seeker Membership

Evolve as a yoga student AND teacher. 

This program is for yoga teachers and enthusiastic students.

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